As June comes to a close, we reflect on the many ways in which we celebrate our planet. June is the month when the rainbow flag of LGBTQ+ rights is hoisted high, whispering stories of love, equality and courage. It's the month when the ancient wisdom of Yoga spreads its peaceful colours, teaching us the art of togetherness, presence, and wellness. Amidst these celebrations, June also plays a significant role in highlighting environmental consciousness, drawing attention to the many green initiatives taking place across the world.
At Rangsutra Crafts, we've been weaving beautiful textiles for years. But as we grow, we are also thinking about the environmental impact of our work. This year, we're taking a closer look at our emissions and water usage

Water is another material impact area where we are spending a lot of our effort. Our production processes use a lot of water, especially in the heartlands of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, which are heavily water-stressed. We are working to reduce our water usage by using more efficient machinery such as Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs) and also by recycling our water.

Another initiative we’ve spent a lot of energy on has also been to recycle leftover fabric into new products and create collections under a #ZeroWaste label.
We know that the world’s existential problems such as climate change can't be solved on our own. That's why we are working with our customers, our craftsmen, and our communities to create a more sustainable future. We're committed to weaving a story of sustainability that honors both our craft and our planet.
Here are some specific examples of what Rangsutra Crafts is doing to reduce its environmental impact:
- Using better cotton and recycled yarn
- Installing solar panels
- Improving insulation
- Using more efficient machinery
- Recycling water
- Zero Waste Products
Working with craftsmen and communities to promote sustainable practices
We know that we are not alone in the fight for a sustainable future. But we believe that by working together, we can make a difference. We invite you to be a part of this journey with us.